Hey Guys Kaise Ho
Teek b Nai hotho mai Kia kroo mai to paise kamane. Haya hoo

Hello Blah blah blah blah
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An article is any member of a class of dedicated words that are used with noun phrases to mark the identifiability of the referents of the noun phrases. The category of articles constitutes a part of speech.

In English, both "the" and "a/an" are articles, which combine with nouns to form noun phrases. Articles typically specify the grammatical definiteness of the noun phrase, but in many languages, they carry additional grammatical information such as gendernumber, and case. Articles are part of a broader category called determiners, which also include demonstrativespossessive determiners, and quantifiers. In linguistic interlinear glossing, articles are abbreviated as art.


Asad Ullah

2 Articles posts
