Ten Infectious Bugs and Creepy
Crawlies That Will Instantly Make You
Feel Better.

Here are 10 disease-carrying creepy
crawlies that also have the ability to
cure ailments.

Here are 10 disease-carrying creepy 

crawlies that also have the ability to 

cure ailments.











When the average person sees an insect, they think of being bitten or stung, the diseases they carry, and the potential property damage they might cause—all of these are negative thoughts. 

But what if the bugs we loathe turn out to be the ones that rescue our lives.

Bugs and insects may be able to assist humanity in a variety of ways, from detecting a deadly disease to healing skin problems.

So, here are ten disease-carrying creepy crawlies that can also treat illnesses. Regrettably, we may have to confront the negative in order to achieve the positive!


Is it possible that fruit flies hold the secret to a world without cancer.Even if they are not as terrible as roaches or mice, no one likes flies buzzing over their meals. They are disease-spreading, maggot-laying, and generally annoying. 

You should pay attention if insects keep buzzing in your ear. Fruit flies may be able to detect cancer, and flies, mosquitos, and other buzzing insects may be able to sense human odours.

German scientists exploited the acute sense of smell of fruit flies to detect cancer in humans in a 2014 study.In cancer research, flies have also been used as test animals. Flies are ideal for quickly and humanely evaluating new treatments for patients because to their short lifespan and similarities to human neurological systems—and PETA has yet to disagree.


Beetles, which are sometimes mistaken for roaches, are consumed by a diverse group of people all around the world. It is no surprise that beetles are the most diversified group of insects, with a wide range of medical applications. Several varieties of beetles have been utilized in both traditional and modern medicine. 

Beetles have long been used to treat cysts as well as reduce fever and cold symptoms. When used topically to itching and eczema, they were thought to improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and stop menstrual bleeding. Researchers have recently used cantharidin, a blistering toxin found in beetles, in medicine.

Researchers have recently used cantharidin, a blistering toxin found in beetles, in medicine. The FDA approved cantharidin in 1962, but it was later prohibited due to a lack of data. Cantharidin, which is found naturally in some types of beetles and is difficult to replicate, has been used by dermatologists to treat warts and other skin disorders.


Silk is at the forefront of medical research. Even worms, which are too little to be classified as snakes but are just as unpleasant to some people, can save your life. To begin with, worms have been determined to be a highly nutritious food source. Lipids, free amino acids, protein, and vitamins like iron and calcium abound in earthworms. Yum! From Laos to America (by Cherokee Indians) to China, earthworms have long been utilized for everything from baldness and bladder stones to rheumatic discomfort and jaundice.

Silkworms are not really worms (moth worms and caterpillars are examples), but they have played an important part in medicine. Silkworms were genetically engineered to produce collagen by Japanese scientists. Silkworm cocoons produce a little quantity of collagen, which can be used for prosthetic skin and bones, as well as cosmetic procedures.


Microbes Help Termites Digest Wood I Have a Lot of Microbes Termites are always bad news for your home when you find out you have them. However, it turns out that the animals are capable of more than just gnawing through wood. Termites, second only to grasshoppers as the most often ingested insects, have been used medicinally in various nations. The bug is used to treat a variety of diseases in Brazil, including asthma, influenza, bronchitis, tonsillitis, and whooping cough, to mention a few. In India, they are used to cure ulcers, bodily ache, and anemia. Zambia utilizes termites to treat malnutrition in children, and so on.

Scientists have been able to extract powerful antibacterial compounds from termites in Western medicine. Scientists believe that these extracts may be able to combat viruses and bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. People eat the not-so-delicious but very nutritious termites all around the world because they are a good source of protein.


ENTOMOLOGIST EXPLAINS: Exoskeleton, Chitin, and Sclerotin in Grasshoppers Grasshoppers and other large hopping bugs (think crickets, locusts, and katydids) are not normally a big deal, unlike the other bugs discussed below. Grasshoppers, on the other hand, are a serious superfood! Grasshoppers, which are strong in protein and fat and have more antioxidants than fresh orange juice, are said to have a shrimp-like flavor (we will need to confirm this). Grasshoppers are also effective diuretics, making them suitable for treating conditions such as kidney illness and gastrointestinal disorders.

Grasshoppers also contain chitin, a carbohydrate that aids in the battle against harmful germs. And, if that was not enough, grasshoppers are easy to digest and pack more energy than a bowl of Wheaties! 

Consider heading out to the garden for some grasshoppers the next time you are searching for a nutritious, energizing breakfast.Red wood ants use formic acid, which is used in medicine to treat skin disorders like warts, to guard their colony and queen from predators.


Ants are legends in their own right: they are smaller, stronger, and more abundant than most other insects. Ants are usually one of the first bugs that come to mind when we talk about eating bugs for health reasons. 

But did you know that ants have so many health benefits that they have even been used to flavor whiskey for medicinal purposes? Anyone for some ant schnapps? No? That is OK. 

You can acquire the medical benefits of ants without eating or drinking them because there are so many distinct species.To assist fight the toxic fungus that surrounds their colony, leafcutter ants have produced pseudonocardia bacteria. 

This bacteria has evolved into a strong antifungal that is utilized in medicine. Ant heads, perhaps more useful than any other bug in medicine, were even employed as a substitute for stitches in traditional medicine. 

Simply bite a wound shut, then twist off the ant's head, leaving the body in place. Ants are such adaptable creatures that novel medical applications are continuously being discovered.


We have already talked about worms; now it is time to talk about leeches, a muscular parasitic relative of worms. In movies, a character walks into a body of water and emerges with a large blackish-red object clinging to their face or dangling from their arm. 

However, leeches are so useful that leech therapy is still routinely utilized in modern medicine, even outside of cliché movie scares. Hiroden, an anticoagulant and antiplatelet agent found in leech saliva, serves to prevent blood clots and lower the volume of blood in the tissues.

Leech treatment is used in cosmetic and other microsurgeries to prevent blood clotting and pooling around the tiny veins and cuts that surgeons must make because of their saliva. This can assist to prevent amputation and other medical issues. 

Hypertension, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, skin disorders, and arthritis have all been treated using leech saliva. Leech therapy has even been shown to help individuals with cancer and heart problems.


Some like it, while others despise it. Spiders have a bad reputation for being more dangerous than beneficial when they are not collecting other pests. That seems sense—after all, they are poisonous. 

Sure, but in most places—for example, North America—spider venom has evolved to be most effective on the teeny-tiny bugs that they feast on, rather on huge mammals. Spider venom, in addition to being non-lethal to humans, has medical benefits. 

(They have an excessive number of deadly spiders!)While arachnid venom (from spiders, scorpions, and ticks) has been utilized in medicine for everything from cancer to heart disease, researchers have discovered that certain spider venomsare more medicinally valuable than others. 

Spider venom paralyzes its victim by attacking the nerve system. Researchers have discovered that medicine generated from this venom may target the neurological system of humans in the same way, making it beneficial as a pain reliever. Other spider venom has been discovered to have a protein that prevents muscle cells from degrading, suggesting that it could be used to treat a variety of disorders affecting muscle mass and the ability to walk, move, or swallow


We have already discussed their buzzing parents, but maggots get their own section. You may have hiked by a rotting animal carcass full of millions of soon-to-be flies at some point. 

A maggot's favorite food is rotting flesh! A 30-day-old fly will lay between 500 and 2000 eggs each day, or about 20-70 eggs per day. 

While some maggots are truly evil (search up bot fly larva for a nice night's sleep), others have surprising healing properties.

It was believed that the soldiers would be discovered with fatally infected wounds. Doctors discovered thousands of maggots in the wounds instead. 

Doctors discovered clear, uninfected wounds after removing the maggots. Maggots were commonly utilized in medicine to treat wounds until the 1990s. 

Today, scientists are investigating the compounds generated by maggots as they digest dead meat, and they have discovered that maggot secretions have useful antibiotic resistance.


When it comes to life-saving insects, bees are the bees' knees: the queen bee, if you will. From the endless advantages of honey (really, honey does everything!) to the benefits of bee venom to bees literally pollinating plants to keep humans alive, their benefits are numerous. Bees are an important, yet often neglected, aspect of human life and modern medicine. 

Let us begin with the honey. This super food can be utilized as  anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial agent because it is generated from flower nectar and specific enzymes from bees' "honey" stomachs (yes, bee vomit). 

Coughs and sore throats are routinely treated with it, and minor cuts and burns can also be treated with it.Even bees can save lives. 

For one thing, the trees and plants they pollinate provide us with both food and air. Furthermore, venom from bee stings can be used to treat a range of conditions. 

API Therapy is a form of alternative medicine that employs bee venom to treat and prevent infections, pain, and other ailments. Apitherapy  is a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and chronic pain that uses the anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving characteristics of bee venom.


Alisha Butt

3 בלוג פוסטים
